Sunday, June 1

SESAME STREET - Hitting it out of the Park

There are few things that have as lasting an impression on me as Sesame Street. I still remember specific storylines, and special moments that took place. Thinking back to it, I see the companionship between Bert & Ernie as one of the most unforgettable aspects of the show.

For me, the finest achievement of the show was the relationships that were created between the Muppets and the regular kids. These are moments that couldn't have been tightly scripted, nor should have they been. I know they used kids from the neighborhood, not "actors." It worked, and continues to stick with me - to the point of inspiring the work I'm doing with the development of Metro-Burbs. There are even a few examples where the kid will look at the Muppet as it is talking, and then look at the ground where the puppeteer is – very cute.

This is pure Hollywood Gold.

One of my favorites is of John John and Bert (Frank Oz). This kid just steals your heart.