Monday, June 2

Obsession is not a bad thing - sometimes

My new obsession is everything. Sorry, I can't help it. I think I have to switch from a venti to a grande at Starbucks. I have been devouring the internet, including blogs, podcasts - both video and audio ones, community sites like digg and popurls --- amazing.

I've been emailing friends as I discover new stuff that I think they will enjoy. I've also tried to post things here that I feel like are appropriate too.

For example, I watch at least three TED Talks a day. What is a TED, well -- become obsessed and find out yourself

Here is a recent favorite of mine, I think this guy (Anand Agarawala) is inspiring -- believe me 99.9% of the Ted talks are very inspiring. At the very least, they will each make you look at everything you know upside down. Question everything and instead of complaining about what you hate - fix it, reinvent it - - Ok, Give it a look. His creation is called BumpTop…